Test Taking and Study Techniques

As the spring semester starts, we thought it would be beneficial to provide another lecture from the Cape Cod Community College Funeral Service Lecture Series. This time we bring you to test taking and study techniques with Dr. Shea. Dr. Shea ran a...
As the spring semester starts, we thought it would be beneficial to provide another lecture from the Cape Cod Community College Funeral Service Lecture Series. This time we bring you to test taking and study techniques with Dr. Shea. Dr. Shea ran a board exam review course for emergency physicians in the 90s. The physicians realizing that test taking was a skill that far surpassed topic knowledge alone asked that test taking skills be added to the review course. Most mistakes made on an exam are because the test taker read the question wrong. Learn how to properly interpret questions with this months episode. The full lecture with accompanying slides can be found on the Cape Cod Community College YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/gdEJTEVRPBQ